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Two doughy days of bread making masterclasses with a few twists!

A well anticipated two days of mixing, kneading, rising, plaiting and baking produced a superb duo of Wellocks Baking Masterclasses.

More? Artisan Bakery put together a top day, Patrick Moore, enlisting the help of Foricher top dog Thibaud Ferard and their very own Matt McCarthy .

So a small room full of master bakers and willing trainees saw the Wellocks development kitchen turned into a bakery for the day as everyone was taken through the science, techniques and hands on training for everything from brioche to baguettes and sourdough to soda bread!


Chefs were given a comprehensive guide to baking fundamentals and doing it the ‘the artisan’ way before diving in to a full day’s intensive demonstrations. Starting with the stages of bread making, a comprehensive explanation of each phase from the straight forward to the more complex functions and the effect of time on each process, including a section on pre-fermenting.

The importance of accurate scaling was covered and demonstrated in a thorough and interesting section emphasising that weight is the only consistently managed and accurate measurement one can make when preparing dough.

The fundamental aspect of mixing was covered, showing how the process begins with this and how it immediately sets the characteristics of the dough and also the fermentation. Water temperature was discussed, as was dough temperature and how these should be monitored and adjustments made throughout the production time.

Neil Bentinck from Van Zellars said: “This has been a thoroughly interesting day, full of great tips and ideas, also correcting a few beliefs of my own.” This was great news to us, as we thoroughly believe in education from our suppliers.



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